When you arrived in Korea night time, most restaurants already closed. At that time, you can stop by big market, also known as wholesaler market like Costco, before check in a hotel or any accommodations. You can buy simple snacks and soda or drinks before sleep. Most of these markets will be opened until night time (around 9 pm or later) and some branches work 24 hours. This point is great for travelers who arrived at night time and need something.
These images that I took from the market - Home Plus- one of wholesale market in Korea. Most of the spacious market have similar display according to items. Here are tips for you who visit their first time in Korea.
1. Go to market together with companies
The big market works on a promotion always such as buy one get one free or if you buy two items A, free to get items B. Sometimes it will lead to an unexpected amount of items. For instance, instant noodle or rice package for 2~3 persons and can't purchase some part only. Therefore go to market with companies and share items. It can save your budget and do more something for great travel memories.
2. Take the item for single
Now these a day, many people live as a solitary life. The market prepares an item for them like small amount package for one person, washed vegetables for cooking and making various item package for little dishes. If you like to cook beef stew or curry, you have to purchase several vegetables and beef. Bring it into accommodation and then prepare it to cook - washing, cutting and etc. In this case, just purchase the small pack of vegetable which already washed and cut. And put it on the pan with beef and just cook. Done.
You can save time and go for a tea break with indulging in reminiscence about travel.
3. Go to a big market after 6:30 pm
Official time for leave office is between 6 pm to 6:30 pm in Korea. Maybe a little early or late depend on working conditions. But usually around 6:30 pm. So get to the market after 6:30 pm and you can meet a time sale promotion. It concentrated on people who stop by the market on their way home. At this moment, you can find time-limited sales and some additional advantages as well. If you get a plan to move another city tomorrow, drop by the market in the evening for preparing.
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